If you want to talk business...

Then, you may want to start with the benefits of the Omega 5 oil
Have you taken your dose today?

Extracted and used exclusively to make great products in this lineNon working moms may enjoy as well...
Greenthech evolving via pomegranate seed oil products
Extracted and used exclusively to make great products in this lineNon working moms may enjoy as well...
I agree. and, more so, working moms tend to take care of their skin for various reaons to include the workplace tention.
Some of them have decided to take this area on as a career.
Skin care currently is one of the most opportunistic categories, growing at double-digit increments. It's a category with the potential for even stronger growth as youth-obsessed baby boomers move closer to their golden years.
Steve Roath, president and chief executive officer of Longs Drug Stores, recently described skin care as one of the fastest-growing categories at Longs, a comment that's fairly typical among retailers. 'We're benefiting from innovative product launches and from baby boomers worried about their wrinkles," he said.
According to manufacturers and retailers, there are other key factors driving skin care sales, a category that now tops $8.5 billion in annual sales.
There is growing interest in "holistic wellness," or what Unilever's Marie-Anne Aymerich, vice president of skin brand development, called "natural power," the preference of many consumers to seek out products that they perceive as having natural ingredients. Packaging innovation also has helped consumers understand the various benefits of skin care products and made it easier for them to select the right product in a self-serve environment.
In addition, many drug chains are using advertising, in-store promotions and departmental adjacencies to enhance sales.
In an attempt to enhance the shopping environment, many drug chains have begun to merchandise skin care as part of a beauty care boutique, positioning the department adjacent to cosmetics and/or in the front of the store.
Omega 5 oil can serve as a base for many skin care applications, one such company, the pioneer of the industry, is POMEGA LLC, which sells at www.pomega5.com.
Kim Saks
For those of us who leave not only kids at home with our stay at home dad, but also dogs, think of their skin.
Just like you and me (more me since I'm probably much older), dry winter heat in your home dries out our Boxer's skin too.
You can go to your local health food store and get some Fish Oil capsules or Omega 5 Oil capsules and empty one into the dog's kibble once a day. This will help keep his skin more moist and less dry and flaky during the winter months (good for them in summer too). I woudl not recommend it with the POMEGA5 oil -- it is too expensive and delicate, try other brands.
More frequent brushing may help distribute oils from the hair to the skin as well. Also try to avoid bathing the dog too much during the winter and if you do shampoo, use lanolin and/or oatmeal shampoos for their more moisturizing qualities. Always use dog shampoos and NEVER use people soap or shampoos on the dog.
Although I am unaware of any particulars, you might ask at your vet's office or local pet store for any products that come over the counter that may be specifically for dry winter skin in dogs.
Good luck.
Stacy Busch
Laguna Beach
Just wanted to mention that Coco Chanel once said that a woman has the age she deserves. Well, whether we deserve it or not, aging happens.
I have tried the Omega 5 oil products by POMEGA5, they certainly help.
Lisa Carlyle
Cosmetics ingredients come from a variety of sources but, unlike the ingredients of food, are often not considered by most consumers. Although, if we all knew that cosmetics like eye shadow often use crushed insects or rust to achieve their vibrant colours, maybe we would think twice before painting our eyes.
With scientific research estimating that the average woman unknowingly applies more than 200 chemicals via beauty products each day, with the skin soaking in a whooping 2kg of chemicals a year - it's enough to put a girl off her moisturiser.
While there is assurance from the largest cosmetic companies that their various ingredients are safe, there is none-the-less a growing preference for cosmetics that are without any 'synthetic' ingredients, especially those derived from petroleum. More and more women are waking up to the benefits of organic beauty.
In fact, organic beauty is becoming something of a buzz word
Lula Lewis, founder of organic company LoveLula.com says that organic products have big benefits for beauty junkies too. "They are 100 per cent active because they don't use synthetic fillers to bulk out a product," says Lula. "Research has shown that organically grown ingredients have higher concentrations of nutrients for your skin to benefit from."
The trouble with organic beauty, however, is that there's no legal definition of organic beauty products, so to be extra sure you're getting a 100 per cent natural product look out for the Certified Organic label or the Soil Association symbol, which both indicate that the product meets the strictest standards for organic purity and integrity.
In Dubai, a reliable source for Certified Organic cosmetics is the Organic Foods and Café in The Greens or Satwa. This specialist organic store has an entire section devoted to organic beauty and healthcare products that are suitable for all skin types and those prone to allergies.
Look out for 'Miessence', a popular organic make-up range. This make-up is energised with clean (pesticide-free) and potent ingredients, using only certified organic cold-pressed and unrefined oils and therapeutic grade herb and flower extracts freshly pressed from certified organic fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs and flowers, retaining all the vitamins, minerals and other bioactive nutrients. This line of all natural cosmetic products contains absolutely no synthetic detergents, artificial preservatives, colours or fragrances, petroleum by-products, tar derivatives or genetically modified ingredients. Nor are any ingredients tested on animals.
Also at the Organics Foods and Café is a natural beauty-care range for babies, called 'Earth Friendly Baby'. This natural body-care range for toddlers promises natural ingredients, no artificial colouring, no synthetic fragrances, no animal testing and an affordable price. From organic chamomile shampoo to organic hibiscus bubble bath, the Earth Friendly Baby range is good enough for mum and dad too.
>> Love Lula is an online organic apothecary with Soil Association approval and online advice. Choose from a one-stop shop of over 350 organic skincare, haircare, bodycare and cosmetics with no hidden nasties. Visit www.lovelula.com.
>> Neal's Yard Remedies was the first company in the UK to be certified under the Soil Association's organic health and beauty accreditation. Products are designed to be as natural, biodegradable and environmentally friendly as possible. Visit www.nealsyardremedies.com.
>> Balm Balm products use the bare minimum of ingredients, all of which are organically produced and approved by the Soil Association. Small but perfectly formed, Balm Balm offers eight products to meet all your moisturising needs. Visit www.balmbalm.com.
>> Love Eco stocks a range of organic skincare products. New to the company is a range of organic body care products from Figs & Rouge. Visit www.love-eco.co.uk.
>> Skincare Cafe say their products are formulated using a unique blend of botanical plant extracts and pure organic essential oils. Made with certified organic ingredients (Soil Association and Ecocert) they are all Vegan and Vegetarian Society registered. Visit www.skincarecafe.com.
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