It is lonely at the top, if you are the only company willing to reach for the sky...

There are several sources of Omega 5 oil on the market, see:, and they are described in the photo below
but only one company specializes in Omega 5 natural skin care and nutraceuticals
It is called POMEGA LLC
Let us not forget that Omega 5 oil is derived from pomegranate seeds. I beleive that you ought to explain to your readers that:
Pomegranate seed oil is an extremely rich and nutritious oil, which may be used for internally or externally for its cosmetic and medicinal properties. Pomegranate seed extract and juice have been popular lately for their anti-oxidant properties, and pomegranate seed oil is proving to be even more beneficial. Not only does pomegranate seed oil contain high levels of anti-oxidants that fight free radicals and skin aging, but the oil is also a potent source of punicic and ellagic acids. Because of these properties, pomegranate seed oil is used to heal, protect, and moisturize dry, cracked, mature, and irritated skin, bring elasticity back to the skin, and for eczema and other skin problems. If pomegranate seed oil seems expensive, consider that over 200 pounds of fresh pomegranates are used to produce just one pound of pomegranate seed oil! The pomegranate seed oil offered by Mountain Rose Herbs is certified organic, cold-pressed, and is from Turkey. Pomegranate seed oils from the Mediterranean region are regarded as the most desirable because they contain higher concentrations of anti-oxidants and other beneficial properties than oil grown elsewhere due to the special climate, soil, and traditional farming methods of the Mediterranean.
Cosmetic Use
Pomegranate seed oil is commonly used in cosmetic products to revitalize dull or mature skin, assist with wrinkles, and to soothe minor skin irritations. Without moisture, wrinkles become more abundant and pronounced, the skin looks tight and lacks luster. Pomegranate seed oil adds moisture, has natural estrogenic properties, anti-oxidants, is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, improves skin elasticity, and protects the skin. It provides relief from minor skin irritations and inflammation, including dry skin, eczema, psoriasis and sunburned skin. The conjugated fatty acids give it strong anti-inflammatory properties, which help to reduce swelling and ease muscular aches and pains.
Several recent studies, including one conducted by the University of Michigan Medical School (published in the February 2006 Journal of Ethnopharmacology), have shown that pomegranate seed oil stimulates keratinocyte proliferation, promoting regeneration and strengthening of the epidermis. This study compliments other recent studies, which have also shown the beneficial results of using pomegranate seed oil.
Medicinal Use
Pomegranate seed oil is one of the only plant sources of conjugated fatty acids and it contains an abundant amount of punicic acid, a compound closely related to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The punicic acid found pomegranate seed oil and has been called a "super CLA" whose effect is even more potent than ordinary CLA. Scientific studies have indicated that it may support the immune system, and help the body fight against human cancers, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Pomegranate seed oil also contains phytoestrogens, similar to the estrogens naturally produced by the human body. Many women have found that using pomegranate seed oil has helped to ease symptoms associated with menopause and perimenopause, such as mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and diminished libido. To relieve the symptoms of menopause, pomegranate seed oil can be used topically as a skin moisturizer, orally as a dietary supplement, as a massage oil, or as a personal lubricant.
Usage Instructions
Pomegranate seed oil may be used within most skin care formulas, including soap making, massage oils, facial care products, and other bodycare and cosmetic products. Only a small amount is needed within formulas to achieve beneficial results.
None found. However, we recommend that you consult a health care professional before using orally.
Zak Pomerantz
I am told that the essential oils selected for the POMEGA5 formulations have been known throughout the ages as the most potent beautifying agents for the skin.
S Essential oils are some of the highest known sources of antioxidants that can prevent free radical damage and thus have an anti-aging
effect on the skin.
S Some oils are particularly hydrating while others have properties that tone the skin, seeming to work magic with wrinkles.
S They all deliver nutrients and oxygen that improve circulation to give the skin a healthy glow.
Dr. Young has announced the release of three NEW incredible all natural and all organic, anti-aging and antioxidant synergistic products.
These three NEW products are at the foundation and beginning of a whole new line of anti-aging and anti-oxidant products.
The incredible benefits of Young pHorever CLA(TM):
Young pHorever CLA(TM) Pomegranate Seed Oil is cold pressed using an extraction process that provides 100% extra virgin, pure pomegranate seed oil with a very high concentration of Punicic oil.
Each capsule contains 1000mg. pomegranate seed oil, a healthy Omega-5 conjugated fatty acid. This is equivalent to the pomegranate seed oil from four and a half whole pomegranates.
It takes about 500 lbs of fresh pomegranates to produce 1 lb of pomegranate seed oil.
Pomegranate seed oil is one of the only plant sources of conjugated fatty acids (CLA).
Punicic oil is a compound closely related to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) found in pomegranate oil. Punicic oil in pomegranate seed oil, has been called a"super CLA", whose effect is even more potent than ordinary CLA, generally found in animal meats.
Did you also know that Pomegranate Seed Oil is an excellent skin moisturizer?
Without moisture, our body's fine lines and wrinkles are more abundant and pronounced, our skin looks tight and our complexion lacks luster.
Pomegranate Seed Oil possesses natural estrogenic properties that can help revitalize your skin, smooth fine wrinkles, and help you look and feel more youthful.
Pomegranate Seed Oil Capsules contain pure seed oil that when applied topically imparts a youthful, radiant glow.
Pomegranate Seed Oil offers majoranti-aging benefits, protects against free radicals and damaging environmental effects, and most importantly, leaves your skin feeling baby bottom soft. Skin stays healthy, toned, hydrated and radiates a youthful glow.
Young pHorever CLA(TM) Pomegranate seed oil, rich in antioxidants, is also a natural anti-inflammatory that can help provide quick relief from minor skin irritations.
Pomegranates and the CLA oil from pomegranate seed oil has received considerable attention of late, for their potential medicinal properties.
Tom Arkin
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