Wednesday, September 26, 2007
One day "alternative medicine "will be just medicine...

Friday, September 21, 2007
Omega 5 oil -- the a perfect antioxidant source

The antioxidant-rich pomegranate is hailed by fitness experts, health officials and the media
The all-powerful pomegranate. The health benefits of this delicious exotic fruit are extraordinary: pomegranate juice has almost three times the antioxidant potency of an equal volume of green tea or red wine.
And for an aging society that is increasingly health conscious, that rightfully puts pomegranates on a very high pedestal. Why? Because antioxidants help neutralize free radical damage. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical substances that can damage our body’s cellular materials. Free radicals have been linked to major degenerative illnesses and accelerated aging.
According to a study is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: “Pomegranates are proving to be the most powerful antioxidant source available, better than red wine, tomatoes, vitamin E and a variety of other headline makers.”
Flex magazine writes: “Pomegranates are a great source of antioxidants, in fact, the juice from pomegranates is higher in antioxidants than any other drink.”
And a Reuters story was headlined: “Pomegranate Juice Each Day May Keep the Cardiologist Away.”
According to studies at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, the cholesterol oxidation process - which creates atherosclerotic lesions that narrow arteries and result in heart disease - was slowed by as much as 40 percent when healthy subjects drank 2 to 3 ounces of pomegranate juice a day for two weeks. Further, the juice reduced the retention of LDL, the “bad” cholesterol that after its oxidation aggregates and forms atherosclerotic lesions.
With the nutrition world only beginning to discover the many health potentials of this amazing fruit, it was a must to include a hearty dose of pomegranate in each 1-ounce serving of
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Omega 5 oil matters!

Think about this family:

Regardless of the name, cosmeceutical or otherwise—a skin-care product is only as good as what it contains and how those ingredients can help your skin function better, or in the vernacular, to act younger. In fact, moisturizers (or any skin-care product claiming to have an effect on wrinkles or sagging skin) should absolutely contain an elegant mix of antioxidants such as pomegranate seed oil [ Omega 5], cell-communicating ingredients, and intercellular substances as they help skin keep a normal level of hydration, build collagen, reduce skin discolorations, and prevent cellular damage.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Natural Omega 5 oil soap - a very tempting experience

Organics and natural products have carried over into the bar soap category such as the Omega 5 oils. Consumers are seeking soaps that combine natural and organic ingredients with efficacy, and manufacturers are answering the demand.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Omega 5 Products are Wonderful

Who remembers the days when the glossies were full of home made, so-natural-they-were-edible beauty remedies?
I'm sure I am showing my age but I remember reading Cosmopolitan as a teenager and feeling privy to some genuine insider info, such as discovering Jerry Hall's top hair tip: once a week she nourished her by hair by sleeping with a towel wrapped around her head after immersing her locks in olive oil.
This, at the time, seemed normal, if a little decadent to me, as olive oil was too posh a culinary item to be dousing so liberally in the name of beauty.
Growing up with this (and the idea that using teabags and cucumbers to wake up the eyes or moisturising facials made from avocado and egg) was seen as inspirational because in the eighties, that is exactly what the rich, famous and beautiful women were endorsing - despite being perfectly able to afford a fancy pot of skin cream.
I am now such a fan of the natural beauty product. I love the smell and feel of naturally derived ingredients and cannot bear eye-wateringly synthetic substances that so often come uninvited within the ingredients of skincare.
In the fashion and film world, natural beauty supplies have always been de rigeur. Models and actresses who have a lot of make-up going on and off their face are more likely to have sensitive skin. Chemicals and perfumes only exacerbate this problem so many make-up artists carry the very simplest of moisturisers, cleansers and removers in their kits.
Luckily, you needn't head for the kitchen any longer if you want to get your natural beauty fix. Companies like Tzerah or POMEGA5 have led the way for a number of cool, ethical, luxury brands.
The active ingredients are 100% organic and there are no petrochemicals, silicones or chemical preservatives found in almost all other mid to top range products. One of the 'star' products is the Omega5 Healign cream proving that natural is effective.
Another brand that will keep my celebrity and model subjects happy is the Tzerah line that was featured at the Golden Globes.
This brand seems to tick the most ethical boxes so far and I am very impressed. On the one hand you have the packaging, which is shipped, rather than flown and is biodegradable enough to chuck on the compost heap without throwing away design.
Natural brqnds suh as POMEGAS are dismantling old notions of natural skincare as we speak and prove that there is potentially as wide an appeal for natural skincare as there is for additive free, natural food- and for the same reasons and what is best for us, is usually best for the environment.
Does this mean we have to sacrifice the technological advancements in skincare? Not any more for although the ingredients are free of all the unnecessary additives, they still use the same chemists of the big, technology led companies, but use the science to incorporate natural, rather than chemical advancements like using pre and probiotics in the fight against skin damage from free radicals.
Naturally based skincare such as Tzerah no longer has to include the topical use of food or beverages or involve ridding yourself of any skincare luxury at all.
It does, however, include some additive-free benefits for your skin that just so happen to raise the ethical bar and provide an example for all businesses at the same time.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
When you think of new ideas for anti-aging...

Why do women have a problem with anger management?

Be honest, how does mom feel about her current skin care products?

Cosmeceuticals are loosely defined as products combining the benefits of a cosmetic and a pharmaceutical. The term is used by many skin-care companies, especially those sold or endorsed by dermatologists, to give the impression the products have more effective or more biologically active ingredients than just ordinary cosmetics. As more and more doctors get into selling or endorsing skin-care products, you will hear more and more about cosmeceuticals.
The Tzerah Line stands out as it is a natural line.
Despite all this medical pedigree, the term cosmeceutical is not in any way regulated or controlled, and anyone can slap that label on their products to promote them as being more "medical." Cosmeceuticals are nothing more than a marketing term with illusions of grandeur. Even the FDA says cosmeceuticals don't exist, and considers these products to be merely cosmetics with clever marketing language attached.
Do cosmeceuticals really differ from any other cosmetics? The answer is both yes and no, if you look at some of the Doctors line above, because no matter how a product is labeled and marketed, many skin-care treatments contain chemical ingredients that affect the biological function of skin. Not the Tzerah line.
The biologically active ingredients to look for include antioxidants (most of which have anti-inflammatory properties), cell-communicating ingredients, exfoliants, skin-lightening ingredients, and intercellular substances (ingredients that mimic skin structure).
Antioxidants, applied topically, reduce free-radical damage, thus helping prevent cellular damage, collagen destruction due to inflammation, and immune suppression. These actions are incredibly valuable for skin. But aside from the insistent claims by those who say their product lines have the best antioxidants, the research is clear: There is no single best antioxidant, just lots and lots of potent options and lots and lots of research showing benefit for skin from everything from pomegranate, curcumin, superoxide dismutase, grape-seed extract, green tea, lycopene, vitamin E, vitamin C, DMAE, glutathione, uric acid, carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine), and glucopyranosides (resveratrol) to niacinamide, polyphenols (epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), genistein, pycnogenol, and more.
There is no such thing as an ugly woman, only a case of no use of Omega 5 oil skin care...

Two-thirds of US consumers agree that the pressure to look good is much greater now than ever before, but that doesn't always translate to feeling obliged to spend more money on health and beauty products, according to a global beauty survey by The Nielsen Company, MarketingCharts reports. Americans - along with consumers worldwide - agree that the pressure to look good is greater today than it was in our parents' generation:
However, "that doesn't necessarily mean that consumers are compelled to spend more on beauty products and treatments. It seems the older you get, the less you spend, as teens and consumers in their 20s spend more in this category," said Shuchi Sethi, VP, consumer products, Nielsen Customized Research. Some of the findings regarding spending on beauty products and treatments:
Less than a quarter of US consumers (23 percent) agree that they spend more on beauty products and treatments. On a global scale, 30 percent of consumers agreed they spend more than they used to.
When consumers do invest their personal grooming dollars, US respondents reported spending the most on hair care (81 percent), skincare regimes (61 percent) and facial treatments (47 percent).
The fewest US dollars go to hair removal (21 percent), tanning (23 percent) and eyebrow/eyelash tinting and shaping (29 percent).
If money were no object, US consumers would spend the most on body massages, teeth whitening, hair care, facial treatments and manicures/pedicures.
More findings from Nielsen's study:
Where Are We Buying?
Closely following the global averages, US consumers purchase health and beauty products mainly from supermarkets (53 percent), department stores (47 percent) and pharmacy/drugstores (40 percent), and to a lesser extent at beauty salons/spa (20 percent) or via the internet (18 percent):
Reasons for Spending
64 percent of US consumers say they invest in personal grooming because it makes them feel better about themselves, more or less mirroring the global average.
Latin American consumers (84 percent) lead the world in this area, followed by consumers in Asia-Pacific (62 percent), North America (62 percent) and EMEA (60 percent).
Fewer Americans (34 percent) say they invest in beauty products and treatments to attract a partner, while 62 percent spend money on beauty items to look good for their current partner.
What's In a Name?
The upscale price of upscale products isn't always worth it, according to many US consumers:
80 percent "very much" or "somewhat" agreed that mass market health and beauty products are just as good as premium or expensive alternatives for hair care, skin care and cosmetics.
Price (63 percent) and brand (47 percent) are the two most important considerations for US consumers' health and beauty product purchases, followed by a product's "promise" (31 percent), recommendations of friends (30 percent) and free product samples (30 percent).
You are only as good as the challenges you are willing to take on...we took the Omega 5 oil challenge...can you?

Excellence in Omega 5 oil ultra natural skin care, and more...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Ask you doctor which natural lifting serum is good for you...

What is your Omega 5 oil strategy?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Is POMEGA5 the only source for omega 5 oil?

Monday, September 10, 2007
Omega 5 oil -- not only for the Oscars...

Omega 5 oil products go to Hollywood...
Omega 5 oil -- the new diet pill?

Aging is tough -- do not give in, fight it...

Look for natural and efficacious skin care...

The Exclusive Tzerah line
Soon coming to a store near you
Today's fountain of youth is filled with a strange brew of fairy-tale herbs and chemicals: Chaga mushrooms, osmolytes, coffeeberry extract, polyhydroxy acids, silver tip white tea, rhodiola.
Americans shelled out $44.6 billion for anti-aging products and services in 2004 alone, according to a report by Business Communications. A 2004 online survey of 1, 343 Americans 25 and older, conducted by Harris Interactive, found that 72 percent of women and 13 percent of men had used or were then using an over-the-counter anti-aging product. Nineteen percent of women and 6 percent of men reported using prescription face creams, masks or gels.
Scientists dispute the definition of aging as well as its mechanisms, so claims that a product can stop or reverse the process are misleading at best, said Thomas Perls, a geriatrician at the Boston University School of Medicine and director of the New England Centenarian Study.
Anti-aging creams are "not being held to any standard, so we don't know if they work," said Rebecca Kazin, assistant professor of dermatology and medical director of the Johns Hopkins Cosmetic Center at Green Spring Station.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Why working moms love Omega 5 oil products?

Extracted and used exclusively to make great products in this lineNon working moms may enjoy as well...
Omega 5 oil company changes its logo -- we love the new look. so will you...
Omega 5 oil may help maintain your looks...and more...

Omega 5 oil fantasy cream -- a true novelty
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Omega 5 oil family kodak moment shots, can you tell the difference?
Omega 5 oil for dry skin and more...

PRWEB) July 26, 2005 -- Antioxidant rich food is a subject that has become a hot topic the last few years - and for good reason. We face a daily assault against our immunity which affects our appearance as well as our internal body systems and organs.And nutrition experts have learned that berries are one of the richest sources of bioflavonoids, antioxidants proven to destroy tissue-damaging free radicals and reinforce the cells that make up blood vessel walls which results in significantly enhanced blood circulation.Some beauty experts now tout berries among the best antioxidant rich foods and their juice and extract to be so powerful that just one eight ounce glass of pure cranberry juice (or the extract equivalent) daily will diminish cellulite dimples in as little as three weeks.How do you keep free radicals at bay? By the use of free radical scavengers.These free radical scavengers occur naturally in the body and neutralize free radicals. Certain enzymes serve this vital function and four important enzymes are superoxide dismutase (SOD), methione reductase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase.The body normally produces these enzymes but it needs help for full spectrum free radical prevention and damage control. That's where a diet rich in antioxidants is vital. These antioxidants are also scavengers, gobbling up the sometimes deadly free radical particles.Many health care practitioners see the wisdom in daily intake of plenty of fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors. Some recommend daily: Intake of 1 quart (1.1 litre) purified water a day PLUS 1 quart (1.1 litre) fresh fruit or vegetable juice.With juicing one can consume many more enzymes and natural antioxidants than a person normally would in a "good diet". Your body is composed of billions of microscopic cells and your every existence depends on these cells. They need live nourishment and this can be supplied very well in the form of juicing.There are many juicers now available and you can achieve benefit from any of them. We like the newer, time-saving models that allow the user to place WHOLE fruits and vegetables in the unit and delicious, fresh juice emerges in a matter of seconds.The more color and variety of produce, the more natural antioxidants one can consume. Carotenoids and flavonoids found in these fruits and vegetables can contribute to a very large extent to our program of antiaging. Why?Because these natural chemical compounds slow or halt oxidative processes that may prevent or deter the onset of many diseases associated with aging, including heart disease, prostate cancer, diabetes, wrinkles and sun damage and much more.By adding concentrated berry extracts, one has even more natural antioxidant tools. Once again, eating fresh is great. However, some companies now offer concentrated extracts of berries like elderberries, blueberries, cranberries, and bilberries for 10-15 times the amount of antioxidants as can be found in the fruit alone.Researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Center have found that blueberries rank number 1 in antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables. Anthycyanin - the pigment that makes blueberries blue - is thought to be responsible for this major health benefit. Blueberries also contain beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, ellagic acid and phenolics that can also act as antioxidants. Other health benefits one can expect form blueberries are:Support cognitive function, concentration and memoryMaintain eye and retina healthPromote urinary tract healthSupport healthy glucose metabolismNot just for urinary tract health, cranberry extracts are provide potent antioxidants that protect and detoxify. Combining cranberry with the therapeutically beneficial elderberry and lo han fruits results in a delicious herbal supplement that helps to maintain urinary tract health, promotes cardiovascular health, cellular health and even dental health. Because of its detoxifying properties, it increases your energy levels and improves mood.If you cannot source concentrated berry extracts, here are some wild-crafted brands:http://www.electricalbody.net/product/berry-extracts.shtmlPomegranates too have been used for thousands of years by Mediterranean peoples. And pomegranates have recently been promoted for their beautiful skin-enhancing properties.Pomegranates contain polyphenols, tannins, ellagic acid and anthocyanins. These compounds are believed to fight disease and pomegranates can also:Support healthy blood pressure levelsHelp maintain healthy blood vesselsReduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterolSupport oral healthSupport skin healthGreen, black and white teas have been studied for their antioxidant powers too. Many research organizations have demonstrated that the polyphenols, detected in these teas, help to support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system and are recommended for smokers, the obese and those under stress and duress, though anyone could benefit from their consumption.A source of concentrated green tea extracts:http://www.electricalbody.com/product/extractgreentea.shtmlSome vitamins are considered antioxidants such as vitamins E and C. As are the carotenoids (such as beta-carotene); selenium; and flavonoids (anthocyanidins, polyphenols, quercetin, glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid, and coenzyme Q10. Vitamin E is the body's principal fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin and protects fatty cell components from free-radical oxidation. It works well in conjunction with selenium and vitamin C.As an antioxidant, vitamin E protects DNA and other cell structures from damage. It also protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation which would otherwise trigger an early step in the development of cardiovascular disease.There are other antioxidants so to verify a wide spectrum of protection, eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and consider a daily intake of a plant-based green "superfood" formula. Preferably one that contains foods from the allium family (onions, garlic, chives) and sprouts.Sprouts from vegetables and legumes are extremely health-enhancing and often contain a concentrated form of antioxidant protection not found in the food alone. Broccoli sprouts, especially have been noted to provide more protection than just eating the cruciferous vegetables by themselves. Which is very important for immune enhancement and cancer prevention.This is one of several in a series of health articles detailing the benefits of antioxidants.The rest of the series is available online here:http://www.health-articles.org/natural-antioxidants/