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Pomegranates were popular in Biblical days and Greek mythology, and now they’re back in fashion, health-wise.
On the heels of the discovery by Israeli researchers that pomegranate juice has antioxidant properties, another Israeli team has found that the fruit could have important implications for breast cancer treatment and estrogen replacement therapy.
The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology research team presented two studies at an international conference in June indicating that pomegranate seed oil triggers apoptosis — a self-destruct mechanism in breast cancer cells. Furthermore, pomegranate juice can be toxic to most estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells, while leaving normal breast cells largely unaffected. Estrogen is a hormone often prescribed to protect postmenopausal women against heart disease and osteoporosis.
“Pomegranates are unique in that the hormonal combinations inherent in the fruit seem to be helpful both for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer,” explains Dr. Ephraim Lansky, who headed the studies. “Pomegranates seem to replace needed estrogen often prescribed to protect postmenopausal women against heart disease and osteoporosis, while selectively destroying estrogen-dependent cancer cells.”
Dr. Martin Goldman, a New York-based board certified internist and life medicine specialist, notes, “This is apparently a safe substance that coud be helpful to many people, especially women at high-risk for developing breast cancer.”(1)
Pomegranates seed oil in soft gel caps by POMEGA5

Other research has shown that pomegranate juice is helpful in oxygenating the heart of heart disease patients (American Journal of the College of Cardiology, Sept. 2005), combatting erectile dysfunction (Journal of Urology, July 2005), fighting prostate cancer (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sept. 26, 2005); and scientists at Case Western Reserve University have reported that tissue cultures of human cartilage cells respond to pomegranate extract. Inflammation is reduced and the enzymes that break down cartilage become less active (Journal of Nutrition, Sept. 2005). (2)
Novak, Adar, Pomegranate Seed Oil Causes Breast Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct, American Technion Society, August 21, 2001
Graedon, Joe, Pomegranates Have Many Health Benefits, Nov 05
Dr. Lanky testing Omega 5 oil

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1 comment:
Breast cancer is the second most deadly type of cancer. I want to share one more innovative and modern method of treating breast cancer is Interstitial Laser Thermotherapy.
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